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时间:2021-10-25 浏览量: 编辑:霍柏旭






The Scarlet Letter》(片段)

On a summer morning about two centuries ago, the grass plot in front of the jail in Prison Lane was occupied by a large number of Bostonians. Their eyes were fixed on the old oak door. Their faces were grim and rigid.


The door of the jail was thrown open, and there appeared the grim, threatening figure of the town-beadle. He stretched out the official staff in his left hand, and laid his right hand on the young woman’s shoulder, pulling her forward. Once they had reached the prison door, she pushed his hand away from her shoulder. This action marked her natural dignity and force of character. She stepped out into the open air, of her own free will. In her arms, she carried an infant of about three months.


After a moment, however, she realized that she was using her child, the living sign of her shame, to hide another sign of shame. Therefore, she put the child on her arm and, with a burning blush and an arrogant smile, she looked straight at her townspeople. On the breast of her dress, in fine red cloth, surrounded with elaborate designs in gold thread, appeared the letter “A”. It was so artistically done, that it looked like a lovely decoration on her dress.






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